Unable to transfer IPv4 reverse zone

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Sat Dec 21 14:10:39 UTC 2013

On 21.12.13 14:00, Daniel Lintott wrote:
>I have pasted the output from running named as above here:
>I had changed the zone on the master and reloaded named a couple of
>times on the slave.
>Interestingly even when I've stopped named and I attempt a transfer it
>replies with the same SERVFAIL... whereas I'd have expected it to be
>unreachable (or similar)

I see two SOA requests but no AXFR.

I see this:

21-Dec-2013 12:53:34.560 binding TCP socket: address in use

two times. Who is listening on TCP port 53? 
Apparently the one DNS server that is replying SERVFAIL...

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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