NS geo-distribution

Dave Warren davew at hireahit.com
Tue Apr 30 08:30:38 UTC 2013

On 2013-04-30 00:49, Sten Carlsen wrote:
> Don't forget that most users will get the address out of "some" cache, 
> not directly from the authoritative servers.

Absolutely. This is even more true in our case as many of our clients 
are serve very local areas and 2-3 ISPs and 3-4 mobile providers 
probably cover 90%+ of their clients.

On 2013-04-29 21:48, Chris Buxton wrote:
> RTT means almost always hitting the fastest server.

My concern with relying on RTT is that since most of our sites are very 
low volume, will it be effective or does it work better when a host has 
higher traffic? How long do resolvers remember a particular NS's RTT?

We have a handful of Europe based clients, but their number is quite 
small, so I'm not sure if we'd be significantly hurting the majority by 
introducing a high-latency server into the mix or not, or even how to 
evaluate the results.

I realize I've probably spent more time thinking about it than I'll 
possibly save anyone else anyway, so perhaps that's my answer.

I appreciate all the input.

Dave Warren

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