Simple question about zone and CNAME

Sam Wilson Sam.Wilson at
Mon Apr 8 13:54:14 UTC 2013

In article <mailman.61.1365232319.20661.bind-users at>,
 Doug Barton <dougb at> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On 04/05/2013 11:53 PM, Novosielski, Ryan wrote:
> | It is funny you should mention that... my questions about using views
> | to create a situation where one single record is different happens to
> | be exactly for this reason. The Active Directory administrators were
> | saying that not having point to an Active Directory server
> | was bothering the AD servers in some fashion. The solution we're going
> | to test is telling the AD servers that are them, but telling
> | everyone else on the planet that it's www. We think this will do it,
> | but haven't tested yet.
> Much better to put the AD stuff in its own subdomain, like
> AD DNS is only really happy when it runs the whole show for its "home"
> domain. It's possible to do otherwise, but really painful and fragile.

We've been running our main domain with the underscore domains delegated 
to AD for well over a decade and it's been neither painful nor fragile, 
at least no more painful than running AD any other way as far as I can 
tell.  We already had a well partitioned and, in some cases, delegated 
DNS structure before Windows 2000/Active Directory came on the scene, 
but we needed to have a single AD thingy (forest? domain?  I can't 
remember the correct terminology).  Replicating all of that under a new 
functional domain didn't seem like a sensible option.


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