No subject

Tue Apr 2 00:56:56 UTC 2013

Shouldn't you use SRV or EDNS0 records?

Q: SRV records were, roughly speaking, meant for letting people add this 
sort of thing to DNS without having to add new record types. See also 
RFC2761, Extension Mechanisms for DNS.

A: Yes. But SRV records are hard for people to understand, and TXT records 
are easy. Fast widespread adoption is our goal. The Right Thing To Do is 
to get our own RRtype, and we will apply for it. We just don't expect to 
get it anytime soon.

(end paste)

I don't know if they've applied for such yet, tho.


> Be warned: this does break some things, and it seems that about a third
> of the Internet is convinced that its wide implementation would
> completely destroy e-mail, while about a quarter of the Internet
> considers SPF its saviour and redeemer.  (The rest don't care.)  There
> seems to be some bleed from the second category to the first, but little
> or none in the other direction.


"What's with the server farm down in the basement?"

-Spider, Three Skulls Commons at Selden House, 4/15/00

--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM

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