multiple ints: views or separate records?

Jonathan Reed cronstate at
Fri May 25 19:51:37 UTC 2012


I have a few systems with multiple physical and virtual interfaces. One
system has a single A record but im considering splitting it up. I'd like
to persuade users to talk with a specific interface depending mostly on the
app and sometimes from the subnet where their request originates. I want to
keep things really easy for the users. What's your experience in
influencing that decision while keeping things dead simple? keeping in mind
that they have the potential of communicating with the system from a number
of different angles.

Is using views my best approach? Or would it be recommended to just settle
and publish a bunch of CNAMEs (or A) and having them stick to using those?
Or maintain both? Said another way, how well have your users adapted to
name changes?

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