lame-servers and network unreachable errors

Alex mysqlstudent at
Tue Mar 6 02:21:01 UTC 2012


I have a fedora15 box with bind-9.8.2 running as master for one zone,
and having some problems with lame-servers and "network unreachable"
messages. I believe I understand what a lame-server is, but don't
understand why there would also be a "network unreachable" message
attached to it:

05-Mar-2012 21:10:54.733 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '':
05-Mar-2012 21:11:58.640 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '': 2001:67c:e0::59#53
05-Mar-2012 21:11:58.640 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '': 2001:67c:e0::59#53
05-Mar-2012 21:11:58.640 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '':
05-Mar-2012 21:11:58.640 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '':
05-Mar-2012 21:11:59.446 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '':
05-Mar-2012 21:11:59.446 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '':
05-Mar-2012 21:11:59.447 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '': 2a01:758:fffc:6::2#53
05-Mar-2012 21:11:59.447 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '':
05-Mar-2012 21:11:59.625 lame-servers: info: error (network
unreachable) resolving '':

I'm sorry if that isn't very legible. How can I troubleshoot this? It
isn't every query, but quite a few queries are resulting in this
unreachable error.

I've included my named.conf below in hopes someone can point out a
configuration issue. It contains one master zone; a local spam

controls {
       inet port 953
               allow {; 68.XXX.YYY.45; } keys { "rndc-key"; };

acl "trusted" {
        { 127/8; };
        { 67.XXX.YYY.224/28; };
        { 67.XXX.YYY.0/26; };
        {; };

options {
	listen-on port 53 {; 68.XXX.YYY.45; };
	listen-on-v6 { none; };
	// listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
	directory 	"/var/named";
	dump-file 	"/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
        statistics-file "/var/named/data/named.stats";
        memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";
	allow-query     { localhost; 68.XXX.YYY.45/32; };
	recursion yes;
	zone-statistics yes;

	dnssec-enable yes;
	dnssec-validation yes;
	dnssec-lookaside auto;

	/* Path to ISC DLV key */
	bindkeys-file "/etc/named.iscdlv.key";

	managed-keys-directory "/var/named/dynamic";


logging {
        channel default_debug {
                file "data/";
                severity dynamic;

        // Record all queries to the box for now
        channel query_info {
           severity info;
           file "/var/log/named.query.log" versions 3 size 10m;
           print-time yes;
           print-category yes;

	// added for fail2ban support
	channel security_file {
	   severity dynamic;
	   file "/var/log/" versions 3 size 30m;
	   print-time yes;
	   print-category yes;

	channel b_debug {
		file "/var/log/named.debug.log" versions 2 size 10m;
		print-time yes;
		print-category yes;
		print-severity yes;
		severity dynamic;

        category queries { query_info; };
        category default { b_debug; };
        category config { b_debug; };
	category security { security_file; };


zone "." IN {
	type hint;
	file "";

zone "" {
        type slave;
        file "slaves/";
        masters { 64.XXX.YYY.5; };
        allow-transfer { none; };
        allow-query { trusted; };

include "/etc/named.rfc1912.zones";
include "/etc/named.root.key";
include "/etc/rndc.key";


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