rDNS failed, DNSSEC?

/dev/rob0 rob0 at
Thu Feb 23 14:10:02 UTC 2012

Yesterday I looked in mail logs for something else and stumbled upon 
this (times are UTC):

rob0 at harrier:~$ grep 'unknown\[149\.20\.64\.75\]' /var/log/maillog | wc
    271    3607   44087                                                                
rob0 at harrier:~$ grep 'unknown\[149\.20\.64\.75\]' /var/log/maillog | head -1
Feb 21 05:28:25 harrier postfix/smtpd[4653]: connect from unknown[]
rob0 at harrier:~$ grep 'unknown\[149\.20\.64\.75\]' /var/log/maillog | tail -1
Feb 21 21:32:06 harrier postfix/smtpd[3575]: disconnect from unknown[]

During that time I tried a "dig any" and 
got SERVFAIL. I checked at Sandia's DNSViz, 
and it was fine. I was in a hurry so I didn't think to check I whitelisted so this list's
mail would come through; went on with other things.

I was thinking that the problem might have been on my end, but I 
changed nothing before nor since; 
since 21:32 UTC yesterday has been returning ""

Any idea (especially from ISC folks) what might have caused this?

This is the scary thing about DNSSEC: a lot of valid zones might 
suffer from temporary glitches wherein signatures fail. I know one of 
my own zones had expired signatures awhile, and I have seen it with 
subscribers on my own Mailman lists.
-- -- system administration and consulting
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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