Querying directly a nameserver works, while forwarding not

Hauke Lampe lampe at hauke-lampe.de
Wed Dec 5 11:54:28 UTC 2012

On 05.12.2012 10:23, Daniele Imbrogino wrote:

> I restarted BIND9 and then I tried, for example, 'dig www.apple.com'
> obtaining "connection timed out; no servers could be reached".
> But if I try 'dig @ www.apple.com' it works correctly and I obtain
> the correct answer.
> Why? How can I resolve this problem?

Look at your resolv.conf and make sure that it actually directs queries 
to your newly installed BIND.

Check the log for mentions of rejected queries, even though those 
shouldn't result in a timeout. The default configuration allows 
recursive queries from localhost and your local network.

If all else fails, trace the query packets with tcpdump and find out 
where they end up.


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