Configuring CNAME for

Phil Mayers p.mayers at
Tue Apr 17 13:00:40 UTC 2012

On 17/04/12 13:24, Tobias Krais wrote:
> Hi all together,
> very interesting this discussion. For I am a newbie I understood only
> half.
> Thus I detected 2 ways to continue:
>> I believe you can use response policy (RPZ) to achieve this. Or you
>> can use just about any non-BIND resolver (e.g. unbound) to achieve
>> this.
> 1. Don't use bind but e.g. unbound instead.
> 2. Ask Google.
> Any other ideas I missed?

3. Use RPZ, as per Chris' suggestion

4. Create a zone for "" and instead of CNAME, put an A 
record at the apex with the same IP as "". Run a 
script FREQUENTLY to re-resolve the host, as Google do short-TTL 
DNS-based loadbalancing.

5. Don't do this at all, since interfering with SSL is bad.

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