Stats ouput 9.3 vs 9.7

Baird, Josh jbaird at
Wed Sep 7 15:13:28 UTC 2011


Just upgraded some authoritative boxes to RHEL6, thus upgrading to BIND
9.7.3.  On RHEL5 (BIND 9.3.x), I had scripts that parsed the output of
the named.stats file, and piped them through net-snmpd so my NMS could
monitor query statistics.  On 9.3.x, the named.stats looked like:

+++ Statistics Dump +++ (1315407900)
success 1647248092
referral 17
nxrrset 239520115
nxdomain 2058478892
recursion 829899933
failure 15795471
--- Statistics Dump --- (1315407900)

My [simple] script parsed each value accordingly.  Now, in 9.7, it looks
like named.stats format has changed drastically:

++ Name Server Statistics ++
            33653927 IPv4 requests received
            19899191 requests with EDNS(0) received
                 171 TCP requests received
            10655888 auth queries rejected

Is there a way to revert back to the old stats format?  Is there an
easier way to reveal query stats via SNMP in 9.7?  Any recommendations?
I'm really looking to get QPS statistics. I can modify my parser script
if necessary, but I thought I would check here first.



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