Bind 9.9.0b2 inline signing...

Spain, Dr. Jeffry A. spainj at
Thu Nov 24 16:50:44 UTC 2011

> I don't understand why Windows doesn't include dig by default, even now.  Free software hate?

I wonder if it some kind of intellectual property issue. Microsoft has to be able to sell Windows and therefore must consider any added costs related to including a component that they do not own and would have to license. I suppose they could develop a similar application themselves, but I think they tend to focus more on end-user rather than administrative functionality in their development efforts.

This is certainly not Microsoft's only issue with DNS. They have pretty much developed their own DNS ecosystem over the years, starting with Active Directory for Windows 2000, and they have not kept up with the functionality in bind. For example, the current iteration of Microsoft DNS in Windows Server 2008 R2 has a faulty implementation of DNSSEC -- you can't enter the root zone trust anchor. I have set up my Windows domain controllers (DNS servers) to forward to a DNSSEC-enabled bind recursive resolver. Even that turned out to be a challenge because of the way Windows uses the CD and DO flags in DNS queries. Supposedly DNS in Windows 8 server is going to fix these issues. We shall see. Jeff.

Jeffry A. Spain
Network Administrator
Cincinnati Country Day School

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