Q on clients-per-query, max-clients-per-query

Cathy Almond cathya at isc.org
Thu Mar 24 17:26:59 UTC 2011

> So, does BIND behave the same whether it is a single PC making 100 queries for 
> the same record compared to 555 PCs making queries for the same record?
> That is, how does BIND treat "clients-per-query, max-clients-per-query" 
> differently based upon the query requesters' IP address(es)?
> (I want to assume I know the answer, but I have an interesting network event and 
> I want to be able to understand/communicate the snoop logs we captured)
Differently.  There is also code that drops duplicate queries, although
'duplicate' is based on more than just the client IP address and the
query name/type.

> I'm using  9.7.2-P2, if version is significant.

It is.  If you're having problems related to your tuning questions, then
we'd recommend upgrading to the current 9.7 version 9.7.3 which contains
the following bug fix for a specific corner case:

3009.	[bug]   clients-per-query code didn't work as expected with
                particular query patterns. [RT #22972]

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