ip6.arpa help

Eivind Olsen eivind at aminor.no
Fri Mar 18 13:07:12 UTC 2011

Den 18. mars 2011 kl. 10.07 skrev <mattias.o.andersson at gavle.se> <mattias.o.andersson at gavle.se>:
> Are there any good information, maybe RFC,  how reverse DNS should be done in IPv6. Then I don’t mean how to register a ip6.arpa and edit your zone-file in bind. I mean how you solve the problem with generate 2^64 unique PTR records for a single customer without filling your hard drive. =)

I'm in a similar situation, and no, I don't know of a nice and easy way of doing this with current software.

Pre-generating reverse records for any possible IPv6 address in your prefix(es) isn't going to work. Adding it to your own services/servers such as email servers etc, that's easy. But how can you know which of the 2^64 addresses your customer is going to be using?
I've been toying with some ideas, not sure which one would actually work the best way:
- don't add any IPv6 reverse records for customers
- you could take the overhead of letting your customers either ask for specific reverse records to be implemented (through customer service? self service web interface?)
- if your customers get assigned addresses from DHCPv6, you might consider letting it update the zones for you
- in theory you could delegate the responsability for reverse records in the customers prefix to them, but I doubt many customers would actually bother running their own nameservers for this.
- perhaps some alternative nameserver software is capable of generating the reverse records on the fly, based on some template, if there's not a specific record already defined?

Eivind Olsen
eivind at aminor.no

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