Bind 9.8.0 intermittent problem with non-recursive responses

Chris Thompson cet1 at
Thu Jun 30 23:03:53 UTC 2011

On Jun 30 2011, eugene tsuno wrote:

>We saw the problem that is described in 9.8.0-P2 in a few hours.  I
>understand the resolution was a bug fix.

I take it you are referring to RT #24650, fixed by change #3121 (affects
everyone, crashes BIND) rather than RT #24631, fixed by change #3120
(affects only validators, gives SERVFAIL when it shouldn't have).

>What made it intermittent?  I am trying to recreate it on a different
>server and I can't.  Once it happened, I could identify it quite
>quickly, but I try the same test and it does not fail.

The zone "" was un-signed (and remains so) to
circumvent the immediate problem. It needs a zone with DNSSEC records
of precisely the right size to provoke the bug. (I know that ISC have
a zone file that will reliably crash un-patched versions, and I am
also fairly sure they aren't going to make it generally available at
this time. Black hats are, after all, listening to us.)

Upgrade, in any case, if you can.

Chris Thompson
Email: cet1 at

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