bind restart needed to reflect changes to dynamic zone in multiple views

Brian J. Murrell brian at
Fri Jun 24 14:21:12 UTC 2011

On 11-06-24 09:57 AM, Lyle Giese wrote:
> It's expected behavior in a way.

Given your explanation, indeed.  :-)

> You are probably making this change in
> the internal view and the internal named process knows about the change
> and reloads the zone.
> The external view's process is unaware of the change and does not reload.

Ahhhh.  I guess I had not considered how BIND handles "views" and that
it's done with a separate process per view.  But I only have one named
process, so I suppose it's threading for each view.

> 1) You could send a periodic rndc reload to the external view process.

Except that I only have the one process.  Any thoughts on how to do this
in such a case?

> 2) Since this appears to be an rbl zone, use rbldnsd instead of named to
> serve this zone.

Yeah, I suppose I could.  It would solve this specific use case, but I
don't know that this RBL zone is the extent of this problem.  I'd have
to examine further where there are zones shared by multiple views.  I'm
guessing though that rbldnsd doesn't support remote update, yes?  That
would be limiting for my purposes here.


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