howto know if a query was delegated to cache

harish badrinath harishbadrinath at
Mon Jul 25 10:14:11 UTC 2011

(Originally sent to bind-workers, sorry if this is considered cross
posting. Slightly modified from the original message)


I am using Bind version:BIND 9.7.1-P2

I am doing some small internal changes to bind and i have to know when
a query is being answered from internal cache and when from resolvers.

That information doesn’t seem to be recorded in client.attributes or
client->query.attributes ??

Can any one tell me where the code branches for cached/non cached
responses in function query_find in the file "bin/named/query.c" *or*
if the current client was responsible for cache insertion/addition for

I need help, to generate a construct along the lines of,
if(condition|binary_function == (true|false))
response was given by cache

#define ISFROMCACHE(client/query) ...


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