Dealing with "unexpected RCODE (SERVFAIL)"

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Wed Mar 17 07:47:06 UTC 2010

> In message <20100316131539.GA10620 at>, Matus UHLAR - fantomas writes:
> > It's apparently because DNS was designed to provide records that exist,
> > not those that do not.

On 17.03.10 09:22, Mark Andrews wrote:
> Actually it's designed to provide records that exist *and* to tell you
> when they don't exist.  Reserving namespace is outside of the DNS itself.

That's just what I've meant.

> > You can also register a domain and not provide any records for it (except
> > SOA and NS), which would be best in current situation imho.
> >
> > However Microsoft decided to provide A records for (and
> > too), so they don't want people to fix their typos, but
> > are doing it themselves instead.
> They are kind of forced to these days due to the abuse of the DNS by ISP's.

kind of, but I wouldn't abuse DNS just because others do. I hope that DNSSEC
will clean the stuff a bit.

not to the OP's question: Is there currently possibility to ignore this kind
of errors, kind of marking them as "we know"?

> > Yes, there could be way to define a domain that has A record but does not
> > provide mail service. Unluckily, in case of MX nonexistance the A is used
> > (as implicit zero-priority MX).
> Which is why "MX 0 ." is needed.  We have it for SRV "SRV 0 0 ."
> means there is no service.

was this at least proposed at all? Is this supported by any mail servers?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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