the one A record that must be in a Zone

Chris Thompson cet1 at
Tue Jun 15 19:36:45 UTC 2010

On Jun 15 2010, Martin McCormick wrote:

>	We have our main domain of plus a ton of
> names that we serve because someone purchased
>the name. Each of these small zones has per haps one or two A
>records and 99.9% of the time, the A records are redundant A
>records that are the same as some host on our zone.
>This is because one appears to need at least 1 A record in a
>given zone. Example:
>	If we have and the server is
>, I must create an A record for
>using web27's IP address rather than using a CNAME record to
>point to web27. If I try that, we get the error that
>has no A record.

I bet you don't, because there is no such requirement.

What you *are* encountering is the restriction that you cannot
have a CNAME at a zone apex (i.e. with the same name as the zone).
This in turn follows from the fact that a CNAME cannot share a
name with records of any other type (absent some DNSSEC peculiars).
There are always SOA and NS records at the zone apex, so you can't
have a CNAME there.

Which is a pain only (well, mostly) because users want to use
the (short) zone name in URLs, and web browsers don't use SRV
records as they would have done in a better world, but just try
to resolve the name directly to an IP address. You wouldn't have
any problem with a zone

@    SOA    ... usual stuff ...
     NS     ... more stuff ...
www  CNAME

but then the user would have to use
instead of (Some browsers have fixup code
to add the "www." if the lookup of "" doesn't give
an IP address, but this varies a lot with the software, how it
has been configured, and the URL itself.)

There isn't any good solution to the problem. One possibility
is to have the apex A records all point to an http redirecting
service that adds the "www." (this assumes HTTP/1.1, but that's
surely safe these days). Then you only have one IP address you
have to keep fixed.

Chris Thompson
Email: cet1 at

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