top level zone file transfer fails from the slave

Prabhat Rana prana9533 at
Fri Jul 23 20:36:34 UTC 2010

I have a BIND 9.7.1 running on a Solaris 10 box. This node is slave to certain zone for PTR records as shown in the named.conf file below

zone "" in {
        type slave;
       check-names ignore;
        file "zones/internal/";
        masters {;; };

So as can be seen we are using the top level domain as the PTR zone file for all the 10.x.x.x (10/8)address. 
However it appears in the masters nodes, they don't have a top level zone file and have basically broken down the top level to numerous sub domain zone files such as "" "" ""

This issue is that with the above config in slave the zone file transfer fails. So the question is does the name of the zone files in slave's config need to match the name of those zone files in master? Can't a slave just use a top level zone file domain? because that way one entry in the named.conf would include everything in that 10.x address domain. 
Any ideas to avoid having to add config for each subdomain level PTR zone file in named.conf would be greatly appreciated.



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