Chris Thompson cet1 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Jan 28 16:18:45 UTC 2010

On Jan 28 2010, Florian Weimer wrote:

>* prock:
>> In a DNSSEC compliant world (I know we're not there yet) we need to
>> give a copy of our DSSET and KEYSET to our parent domain.  Please
>> confirm that is an accurate statement.
>Parent zone policies vary.  Some require DS RRs, some DNSKEY RRs.
>Demanding DNSKEY RRs can prolong the life of signature schemes with
>certain weaknesses (which might be helpful at some point in the

I take it you refer there to the digest type field in the DS record?

Even if the child provides only a DS using SHA-1, it is of course
possible to recover the DNSKEY record (provided it actually exists!)
and validate it (providing you still trust SHA-1!) and make a DS record
using SHA-256 instead. In fact, that seems to be what ISC do when
they take the IANA ITAR (in which many entries only have digesttype=1)
and massage them for inclusion in dlv.isc.org (where the DLV records
always come in pairs with digesttype=1 and digesttype=2). [Self
registration at dlv.isc.org asks for DNSKEY records in the first
place, of course.]

Chris Thompson
Email: cet1 at cam.ac.uk

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