Hijacked or Wrong Configuration?

Bill.Light at kp.org Bill.Light at kp.org
Wed Aug 4 00:44:08 UTC 2010

I host a re-direct for the local soccer organization

The "real" owner (non-technical) let the domain lapse, and I recommended 
the registrar I use (that automatically provides secondary DNS services) - 
but they didn't use them.

Now they can NOT get to the site - am I configured wrong?   -- or -- did 
the domain get hijacked in the interm?

Site:  hysl.org

DNS:  dns1.light-family.com


And of course - they are still trying to sign people up as I type...  I 
have made the IP's default to be the hysl.org re-direct and temporarily 
"destroyed" my own domains...Any suggestions?

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