Bind Clustering

Fr34k freaknetboy at
Thu Apr 8 13:25:53 UTC 2010


We used rsync to copy our master/primary data to the secondary servers.

Using some script magic, the primary is still the master (via named.conf) since, as with most DBs, there can only be one source of truth.
However, the secondary servers were almost mirror copies of the primary. Only difference was their slave designation as defined in named.conf

We never had a primary failure, but if we did minor script/named.conf changes would have made any of the secondary servers the new primary.

Depending upon the environment, risk, needs, and hardware -- one could create such clusters.
Furthermore, introduce load-balancers to mask the clusters.


----- Original Message ----
From: Arnoud Tijssen <ATijssen at>
To: "bind-users at" <bind-users at>
Sent: Thu, April 8, 2010 7:18:33 AM
Subject: Bind Clustering

We use bind for DNS.
At the moment we have one primary server that delegates updates to it`s two slave servers.

Since everything nowadays is dependant on DNS I would like to cluster my primary server in case of a hardware failure or error.

So, how do I setup two primary bind servers that keep each other in sync one way or the other.
I`ve been surfing the internet, but couldn`t find any satisfactory solution.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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