rndc command for erased zone?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at fantomas.sk
Wed Sep 23 12:22:08 UTC 2009

On 23.09.09 14:00, Marcos Lorenzo de Santiago wrote:
> I no longer manage one of our DNS domain. As I use 'rndc reconfig' to
> load newly created zones I was wondering if exists a way to do the same
> as reconfig but inversely, I mean, reload configuration forgetting the
> just erased zones.
> I tried every command that rndc has, but I guess that my only choice is
> to restart bind. I even tried flushing cache, but it keeps answering to
> DNS queries to that zone even when I erased the zone file.

does it return authoritative responses? Does the server allow recursion for

I think rndc reconfig should forget removed zones too, but you may be
- either seeing the same zone in other view
- see records fetched from other servers after zone was removed

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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