Modified a zone, so when it becomes available?

Abello, Vinny Vincent.Abello at
Tue Sep 15 15:06:13 UTC 2009


Besides incrementing the serial, be sure there are no syntactical errors in the zone file. Easiest way is to check your logs or use named-checkzone to validate the file. Your logs should show something regardless. "rndc reload <zone>" should return either "zone reload queued" or "zone reload up-to-date". What is it returning? If it always returns "zone reload queued" every time, then you likely have a syntax error in the zone which named-checkzone or your logs should be able to point out. Remember you must have a carriage return or newline at the end of the zone file as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: bind-users-bounces at [mailto:bind-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Marcos Lorenzo de Santiago
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:52 AM
To: bind-users at
Subject: Modified a zone, so when it becomes available?

This is another quite short and simple question:

When I modify a RR or add a new one on an existing zone, I have to
restart master server to make the change available. Is there any other
way to reload the zone without stopping bind?

I've tried with:
	- rdnc reload [zone]
	- rndc reconfig [zone]
	- rndc refresh [zone]

But none of this makes bind re-read the zone file.

Am I missing anything?

Thank you in advance.

| +#if defined(__alpha__) && defined(CONFIG_PCI)                        |
| +       /*                                                            |
| +        * The meaning of life, the universe, and everything.         |
| +        * Plus this makes the year come out right.                   |
| +        */                                                           |
| +       year -= 42;                                                   |
| +#endif                                                               |
| (From the patch for 1.3.2: (kernel/time.c), submitted by Marcus       |
| Meissner)                                                             |
| Técnico de Sistemas                        |                          |
| Departamento de Informática                | Debian GNU/Linux Powerer |
| Ayuntamiento de Getafe                     |                .--.      |
|--------------------------------------------|               |o_o |     |
|  _________                                 |      .''`.    |:_/ |     |
| |~~      @| Marcos Lorenzo de Santiago     |     : :' :   //   \ \    |
| |  ====   | marcos.lorenzo at |     `. `'   (|     | )   |
| |_________| Teléfono: (+34) 91-202-79-48   |       `-   /'\_   _/`\   |
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|                                            |                          |

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