Modified a zone, so when it becomes available?

Udo Zumdick uz at NIC.DTAG.DE
Tue Sep 15 10:16:59 UTC 2009

Hi Marcos,

rndc reload should do the job, but only if the serial in that zone has been
One other way I know is to use Dynamic DNS, but it is more complicated and
(in my opinion) also sort of unsecure.




         _|_|_|_|_|_|  Udo Zumdick
 _    _    _  _|   _   Deutsche Telekom Netzproduktion GmbH
|_|  |_|  |_| _|  |_|  Hammer Str. 216 - 226; 48153 Muenster
              _|       mailto:uz at
              _|       phone: +49 251 7985311; fax: +49 251 7985109


Am Tue, 15 Sep 2009 11:52:24 +0200
schrieb Marcos Lorenzo de Santiago <marcos.lorenzo at>:

> This is another quite short and simple question:
> When I modify a RR or add a new one on an existing zone, I have to
> restart master server to make the change available. Is there any other
> way to reload the zone without stopping bind?
> I've tried with:
> 	- rdnc reload [zone]
> 	- rndc reconfig [zone]
> 	- rndc refresh [zone]
> But none of this makes bind re-read the zone file.
> Am I missing anything?
> Thank you in advance.

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