Problems with a BIND server

Robert Moskowitz rgm at
Tue Oct 13 20:48:08 UTC 2009

I have been running BIND here on my net for quite a few years time and 
run 2 views on my main server, for internal and external users.  I also 
have a separate BIND server on a test bed that uses a test TLD of htt.  
It has worked well for the past year.

Now I have installed an Amahi server ( and it is running its 
own BIND server with dynamic updates, as it is supporting NetBios 
clients.  My Amahi server is set up for home.htt and works for systems 
on its subnet (it also runs DHCPD).  I want access to the various Amahi 
apps to other systems here so I first:

Set up my main server to be a slave for my test htt domain in its 
internal view.

That is working well and I can get all the DNS information supported 
there (both hosts in htt and its sub-zone of mobile.htt).  Fine so far.

Then I added a couple records to the zone file in htt to delegate home.htt:

home.htt.   IN   NS   amahi.home.htt.
amahi.home.htt.   IN   A

And nothing.

I am NOT getting any information on the home.htt. sub-zone.  If I run 
'nslookup -' I get all the information in the DNS, but 
neither of my internal BIND servers are getting information.  Almost as 
if the Amahi server is not honoring requests from other BIND servers or 
perhaps not on its net.

Here are the named.conf and zone files:

# automatically generated file by hdactl
options {
        listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };
        directory "/var/named";
        dump-file "/var/named/data/cache_dump.db";
        statistics-file "/var/named/data/named_stats.txt";
        memstatistics-file "/var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt";
        forward only;
        forwarders {;; };
        listen-on port 53 {;; };
logging {
        channel default_debug {
                file "data/";
                severity dynamic;
key "ddnskey" {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
        secret "----------------------";

zone "home.htt" IN {
        type master;
        notify no;
        file "dynamic/hda-n2a.conf";
        allow-update { key ddnskey; };
        check-names ignore;

zone "" IN {
        type master;
        notify no;
        file "dynamic/hda-a2n.conf";
        allow-update { key ddnskey; };
        check-names ignore;

and dynamic/hda-n2a.conf:

$TTL    86400
@ IN SOA home.htt. root.home.htt. (
        0909130103 ; Serial
        28800   ; Refresh
        14400   ; Retry
        3600000 ; Expire
        86400 ) ; Minimum
                IN NS home.htt.
                IN MX 10 home.htt.
*       IN MX 10 home.htt.

h001            A
hda             A
search          A
setup           A
calendar                A
help            A
wiki            A

So any tips on what to look for to get this working?

I shot the day digging, and I can do things with BIND, but I am not all 
that skilled...

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