BIND Forum Membership

Doug Barton dougb at
Fri Nov 20 21:14:30 UTC 2009

Taylor, Gord wrote:
> The company I work for uses a vendor solution which implements BIND
> under the hood, though it's abstracted with a GUI interface. Knowing
> which bugs may exist in the current release of BIND would be nice to
> know; for example, if it's a feature of BIND we use, we may want to know
> about bugs before upgrading vendor product which makes use of that
> particular version (or even just to quickly identify if the problem we
> experience is a known issue). So, I've considered joining the BIND Forum
> as an Individual, but I'm not a coder, so I don't know what level of
> abstraction is provided by the bug reports, etc
> Can anyone provide feedback or personal experience on whether they've
> found membership worthwhile or not, and what aspects were beneficial (or
> not as beneficial as you'd hoped)?

Speaking as a vendor member of the BIND Forum (on behalf of the
FreeBSD project) we have found membership to be extremely beneficial.
My goals are similar to yours in the sense that I want to make sure
that upcoming releases of BIND will work in our systems. Additionally,
early advisories on vulnerabilities and upcoming release dates for
fixes has been very valuable in terms of advanced planning, resource
allocation, etc. If you feel comfortable with the advisories posted to
the bind-announce list you should not have any problems dealing with
the advisories sent to Forum members.

I would highly recommend someone in your position becoming a member.

hope this helps,



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