dhcp options 226 and 227

dhottinger at harrisonburg.k12.va.us dhottinger at harrisonburg.k12.va.us
Mon Mar 30 16:40:35 UTC 2009

Im trying to figure out how to add options 226 and 227 to my dhcp  
server.  I have not been able to find much about this through google.   
Has anyone implemented these options for their dhcp server?  I added  
the following to my dhcpd.conf (main file)

option option-226 code 226 = array of integer 8;
option option-227 code 227 = ip-address;

         option option-226               10,40,0,29;
         option option-227     ;

Im not sure what the array of integer 8 is at all, but the only  
example I could find had that in the main options area.


Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools

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