automatic resigning in 9.6.x

R Dicaire kritek at
Sat Mar 7 04:24:02 UTC 2009

Hi folks, searched the docs, and list archives and have found only one
reference in the archive regarding implementing the automated
resigning of zones. From a listmail response by Mark Andrews dated Tue
Oct 14 23:39:45 UTC 2008 in response to Subject: Gritty details of
automatic resigining in 9.6? by Chris Thompson, in which Mark states:

	Re-signing applies to secure dynamic zones.  Named updates
	the serial and generates ixfr's just like it would for a
	UPDATE request.  Think of it as a internally generated
	UPDATE request to replace signatures that are scheduled to
	re-generated.  That generation is done when 1/4 of the
	signature validity interval remains though it is tunable.

What is a "dynamic zone" in this context?

I assume the "secure" means the zone file has been signed at least once?

Does the named user also need write access to the zone files to
accomplish the resigning?

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