Missing Reverse DNS Parent Zones

Raymond Popowich popowich at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 18:05:58 UTC 2009


One of the reverse DNS zones that I am responsible for is
95.69.in-addr.arpa. I have never created parent zones for any of them. I
create individual zones for each /24 within them. For example, I don't have
a 95.69.in-addr.arpa, but I do have 1.95.69.in-addr.arpa
2.95.69.in-addr.arpa, 3.95.69.in-addr.arpa etc. Is this a problem? I've
never had an issue until a client recently mentioned that they believe it's
a problem. After some googling I'm still left wondering if it really matters
one way or the other. I can get them created, but does it matter? Thanks!

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