SPF/TXT records

Noel Butler noel.butler at ausics.net
Fri Jun 19 21:24:41 UTC 2009

My comments below will be to all in general, not to anyone specific and
no offence intended to anyone...

> RE: Advogato:


> RE: Circlied:

Who ?

Ok enough of the sarcasm :) 

Is someone here seriously trying to use those sites as a "reason" to not
do something,  might as well reference us to
mydogspewsupaftereatinglambbones.com    (dunno if that's a real site,
but its name has about as much credence
as the ones given).  Seriously if you want to show why not,  reference a
reputable site with reputable commentators.

In relation to SPF2, if you use  M$'s crap, you do have a slightly
better chance of hotmail not losing your mail, so it is worth it if you
provide services to anyone else other then yourself (where you *can*
play god not affecting anyone else).

BUT... do NOT use spf2 enforcement on your side, or you'll find a lot of
mailing lists being very quiet  :)


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