Single Zone Forwarding Dilema

Mark S. Turczan mturczan at
Sat Jun 6 03:00:28 UTC 2009


I'm trying to understand the behavior of a single zone that I'm  
forwarding queries for.

Essentially, when I do a dig SOA the request seems to be  
properly forwarded to the nameservers in the forward statement. I've  
verified this with tcpdump running on my primary nameserver.

But when I attempt to resolve a host record in it doesn't  
seem to be forwarded to the proper nameservers and instead goes out to  
the Internet.

I've verified that the host record exists on the remote nameservers to  
which I am forwarding by looking up the record directly from the  
remote nameserver.

This is what the forwarded zone's configuration looks like:

// zone:
zone ""
     type forward;
     forwarders { <public ip withheld>; <public ip withheld>; };

Am I correct in understanding that each and every query for any record  
in the forwarded zone should be forwarded to the specified nameservers  
and not go out to the Internet? BTW, I'm running BIND 9.3.5-P1.



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