Bind9.6.0 Statistics Output

Dangl, Thomas thomas.t.dangl at
Thu Jul 30 07:53:13 UTC 2009

I collect statistics data via the http interface and parse the XML file.
There are some differences of the layout of the XML result between
Bind9.5 and Bind9.6.
Is there an option or configuration parameter that allows to control the
XML format?
The resstat counters are no longer in the "server" section of the XML,
but they occur in each view.
There are 2 views found in the XML file named "_default" and "bind".
Is there a view - or rather one of these views - that is included in
each XML statistics result that contains the total of the counter across
all views?
Or is it necessary to parse across all views and calculate the sum? 
Maybe there is some link to a description that you could provide.
Thanks a lot in advance
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