unwanted delegations was: What to do about openDNS

Danny Thomas d.thomas at its.uq.edu.au
Wed Jan 21 02:24:00 UTC 2009

Scott Haneda wrote:
> I brought this up a few months back.  For me, it is getting worse, and 
> I am not able to come up with a solution.
> I have many clients who reg domains.  They all point to my NS.  
> Sometimes, the client lapses hosting with me, and I delete the zones.  
> They usually leave the domain reg'd and my NS's listed.
The system should recognise the rights of nameserver operators.
There should be some process by which unwanted delegations can be removed.
Obviously doing this on the basis of an email is not a good idea, but 
the nameserver operator can publish their desire in a credible fashion:

 dig @ns1.uq.edu.au 71.155.in-addr.arpa  any

; <<>> DiG 9.4.2-P2 <<>> @ns1.uq.edu.au 71.155.in-addr.arpa 
; (1 server found)9C
;; global options:  printcmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 436
;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 6, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 3

;71.155.in-addr.arpa.        IN    ANY

71.155.in-addr.arpa.    3600    IN    SOA    noddns.cc.uq.edu.au. 
hostmaster.uq.edu.au. 2008121901 10800 1800 3600000 3600
71.155.in-addr.arpa.    259200    IN    NS    ns1.uq.edu.au.
71.155.in-addr.arpa.    259200    IN    NS    ns2.uq.edu.au.
71.155.in-addr.arpa.    259200    IN    NS    ns3.uq.edu.au.
71.155.in-addr.arpa.    3600    IN    TXT    "zone transfers are allowed 
to show the zone is useless"
71.155.in-addr.arpa.    3600    IN    TXT    "please remove delegations 
to the name-servers listed in this zones NS records"


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