Unable to get authenticated negative responses from BIND 9.6.0 w/ NSEC3?

Johan Ihren johani at johani.org
Fri Jan 9 10:58:12 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

I realise this just has to be a user error, but sofar I've been  
completely unsuccessful in getting an authenticated response from a  
9.6.0 recursive server with trusted keys correctly configured.

I've done this:

* Signed the zones:

"parent" is signed with NSEC semantics, key algorithm is RSASHA1
"child1.parent" is signed with NSEC, key algorithm is RSASHA1
"child2.parent" is signed with NSEC3, key algorithm is NSEC3RSASHA1

* Created the secure delegations:

the DS records for child1.parent and child2.parent both use the  
correct algorithm numbers (5 and 7 respectively)

* Configured a trusted key for "parent" in a recursive server:

The trusted key is correctly configured, because I'm able to validate  
positive responses from all three zones (which also proves that the  
delegations are correctly secured via the DS records). I'm also able  
to validate negative responses from "parent" and "child1.parent".

And, yes, I have "dnssec-enable yes; dnssec-validation yes;" in  
relevant places.

But I fail to validate the interesting case, i.e. a negative response  
from child2.parent containing NSEC3 records as the proof. I get the  
response, with all the NSEC3s and their RRSIGs. But no AD bit.

Anyone done this recently who can give me a suggestion to where I may  
go wrong?


Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


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