rrset-order and resolvers

Torsten Segner torsten.segner at de.easynet.net
Wed Feb 11 13:01:02 UTC 2009


I have a question regarding the rrset-order option.
I have compiled a nameserver with the --enable-fixed-rrset option and configured it with the following rrset-order in global options.

rrset-order {
   class IN type NS name "host.example.com" order fixed;
   order cyclic;

Querying the autoritative nameserver I get the resulting RRset in fixed order.

When asking a resolver I get answers in random order as long as I don't insert the above rrset-order option in the resolver config as well.

Have I missed something or is this an intended behaviour of resolving nameservers?


Torsten Segner  |  Systemadministrator Internet Services  |  Easynet GmbH 
T +49 (0)40 77175 650  |  F +49 (0)40 77175 569
E torsten.segner at de.easynet.net  |  GPG KeyID 0xC84C7841
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