Linux kernel and bind9

Kevin Darcy kcd at
Fri Sep 26 20:42:17 UTC 2008

Ulrich David wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there something to tune in the linux kernel in order too have  
> better performance on bind9 cache server?
> For example on the network part of the kernel?
Just set the run_bind9_faster parameter to 1.

Seriously, Linux kernel tuning is a complex subject, about which many 
papers have been written and possibly even Ph.D.'s wrought. Not to 
mention, different traffic profiles and/or query mixes might require 
tuning of different kernel variables.

Speaking in incredibly broad terms, named as a caching/recursive 
resolver is going to beat up your memory subsystem far more than your 
CPU number-crunching capacity or I/O. So the first place to look would 
be your paging and swapping metrics and/or parameters.

Or, just throw more memory at it. named finds that very tasty.

- Kevin

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