Windows 2000 support....

midintertech at midintertech at
Mon Sep 15 02:20:59 UTC 2008

On Sep 11, 8:30 am, SpamList <spaml... at> wrote:

> 2) What is the latest version of BIND that *is* supported on Windows 2000?
> I've still got Windows 2000 deployed, and I'm not in a position to
> update those servers at the moment, so I need to find out which
> version(s) of BIND I can still use.
> Thank you for any information or assistance.

Yeah we were in the same boat and atm we are still running the 9.4.2-
P2 version which is supposed to have the fix for the kaminsky bug, but
was said by ISC to have a problem with "stability" on windoze. We are
running it on w2k adv server and so far no "stability" problems?!
Maybe because its only being used as a secondary and its not under
much load? Never did really hear what exactly the "stability" problem
entailed so no idea why we haven't been affected so far???

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