BIND sortlist Question

Merton Campbell Crockett m.c.crockett at
Tue Oct 21 03:36:16 UTC 2008

I've found that the "sortlist" global option could solve several  
issues with the Windows "stub resolver", VLANs, and our DMVPN WAN  
implementation.  We would like to have a standard named.conf file that  
could be used at all sites.  Below is an example of a "standard"  

sortlist {
	 { "campus_net"; { "ad_dc_net"; "campus_net"; "enclave_net" ;  
"access_net"; }; };
	 { "enclave_net"; { "enclave_net"; "campus_net"; "access_net"; };
	 { "access_net"; { "access_net"; "campus_net" ; "enclave_net"; };

All sites have an "ad_dc_net" that defines where the preferred Windows  
AD domain controllers for the site are located.  The "access_net"  
defines the networks used for the network infrastructure, i.e. DMVPN  
routers, firewalls, etc.  The "campus_net" defines the networks used  
on the campus.  The "enclave_net" defines networks used to support  
engineering enclaves that are segregated from the corporate network.

The above sortlist works fine at our engineering sites as they will  
have, at least, one engineering enclave.  Unfortunately, we have a  
number of sites where no unclassified development is being done.

If I used the following acl in the site specific include file, would  
there be a problem with the above sortlist?

acl "enclave_net" { none; };

Merton Campbell Crockett
m.c.crockett at

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