Just wondering - BIND 9.4.3b2 -g

Peter Dambier peter at peter-dambier.de
Tue Oct 14 14:35:35 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1


I am running more than 1 named on different ports and interfaces
but on the same hardware.

# /home/toit/named.conf - configuration for BIND 9

options {
  directory "/home/toit";
  pid-file "/home/toit/named.pid";
  dump-file "/home/toit/named_dump.db";
  statistics-file "/home/toit/named.stats";

include "/home/toit/etc/named.keys";
include "/home/toit/etc/rndc.key";

The others with different /home/user look pretty much the same.
Now named complains:

14-Oct-2008 15:43:17.859 starting BIND 9.4.3b2 -u toit -c named.conf -g
14-Oct-2008 15:43:17.869 loading configuration from '/home/toit/named.conf'
14-Oct-2008 15:43:17.870 the working directory is not writable

6:/home/toit# ls -la
total 52K
drwxr-xr-x  8 toit toit 4.0K 2008-10-14 15:48 .
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4.0K 2008-10-05 18:38 ..
drwxr-x---  2 toit toit 4.0K 2005-02-01 13:59 dev
drwxr-xr-x  2 toit toit 4.0K 2008-10-14 15:39 DNSOP
drwxr-xr-x  2 toit toit 4.0K 2006-08-07 14:13 etc
drwxr-xr-x  2 toit toit 4.0K 2007-11-15 19:54 Master
- -rw-r--r--  1 toit toit 1.9K 2008-10-14 15:40 named.conf
drwxr-xr-x  2 toit toit 4.0K 2007-12-18 16:22 slave
drwxr-xr-x  5 toit toit 4.0K 2005-02-01 13:59 var

Looks writeable to me but maybe I missed something.

14-Oct-2008 15:43:17.887 none:0: open: /etc/rndc.key: file not found
14-Oct-2008 15:43:17.887 couldn't add command channel file not found
14-Oct-2008 15:43:17.887 none:0: open: /etc/rndc.key: file not found
14-Oct-2008 15:43:17.887 couldn't add command channel ::1#953: file not found
14-Oct-2008 15:43:17.887 ignoring config file logging statement due to -g option

Got rid of these, copying /home/toit/etc/rndc.key to /etc/rndc.key

But now the next named complains:

14-Oct-2008 16:02:31.710 starting BIND 9.4.3b2 -u semelle -c named.conf -g
14-Oct-2008 16:02:31.720 loading configuration from '/home/semelle/named.conf'
14-Oct-2008 16:02:31.722 the working directory is not writable

14-Oct-2008 16:02:31.743 couldn't add command channel address in use
14-Oct-2008 16:02:31.744 couldn't add command channel ::1#953: address in use
14-Oct-2008 16:02:31.744 ignoring config file logging statement due to -g option

All nameds are running, only I am at war with /etc/init.d and have to start and
stop them manually using kill not rndc.

Kind regards
- --
Peter and Karin Dambier
Cesidian Root - Radice Cesidiana
Rimbacher Strasse 16
D-69509 Moerlenbach-Bonsweiher
+49(6209)795-816 (Telekom)
+49(6252)750-308 (VoIP: sipgate.de)
mail: peter at peter-dambier.de
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