not so much bind, but more of a whole domain management process question...

Sid Shapiro sid_shapiro at
Mon Oct 13 19:45:52 UTC 2008

I'm looking for pointers to "best Practices" on the whole domain 
management process. 

I apologize for sending this to the bind group, but I thought that those 
who manage large DNS infrastructures would have some ideas or pointers on 
the less technical, yet still important, domain management process. 

Questions such as "How do you decide which ccTLDs to purchase?", or "Who 
in your organizations can make those decisions?", or Does your company 
centralize/globalize the management and acquisition, or is it handled by 
IT, marketing, legal, some steering committee?",  "How many people in your 
organization are required to manage the domain administration?". I know 
there are many other factors which I can't think of now.

Any suggestions, pointers, comments?
/ Sid /

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