Slave nameserver question

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Sun Oct 5 11:49:16 UTC 2008

> In article <gc4nf4$i97$1 at>,
>  Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar at> wrote:
> > but why should named think the zone is master and should not be expires,
> > when the config clearly says it's slave? I doubt bind would trust SOA that
> > much...

On 03.10.08 17:55, Barry Margolin wrote:
> Here's how a slave works:

You described how NOTIFy mechanism works. If bind is master (has a "master"
option inthe zone file", it doesn't do anything but logs a record.

> If the master is itself,

Bind is the master when it has the "master" option in the config file.
If BIND's config tells that the domain is "slave", then it's slave and the
masters are servers configured in config file.

I have no informations about BIND using SOA to decide who is the master and
who is not. afaik, id only uses config file for that. Can you confirm BIND
does that?

> Ihave a feeling you're thinking of something else, like maybe the 
> frequency of performing the SOA checks.

No. I mean what I wrote already twice (and now for the third time, see
above). Do you tell me that I'm wrong and BIND ignores its config file when
the SOA tells something different?
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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