Solaris 10 Server Fail errors

Gary Mills mills at
Tue Nov 11 16:41:51 UTC 2008

In <gfc5b1$lnl$1 at> "Davenport, Steve M" <SDavenpo at> writes:

>I'm running 9.3.5-p1 on a lightly loaded secondary caching server under
>Solaris 10 sparc. I noticed from a stats graph and snoop that when a
>resolver hits this server with closely spaced, rapid queries, Server
>Fails are generated.

Don't run that version on Solaris 10.  Patch 119783-08 will bring it
up to the P2 version, which is much better.  The problem I saw with P1
was that other services listening on UDP ports were getting responses
that were intended for the nameserver.  Patching it resolved that

-Gary Mills-    -Unix Support-    -U of M Academic Computing and Networking-

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