Debug refused recursive queries

Jon Kibler jon.r.kibler at
Fri Nov 14 13:44:25 UTC 2008


RE:  BIND 9.5.0-P2 on CentOS 5.2

I have an issue where I have an apparent mistake in the lock down of
my name servers.

I have limited what systems can send queries to a given server.
Looking at packet captures, everything should be working. However, I
keep getting 'REFUSED' returned for authoritative queries to this
authoritative name server.

Is there any way that I can get BIND to tell me:
   -- The IP addresses allowed to query each zone?
   -- The IP addresses allowed to query each view?
   -- The IP addresses allowed to query the server?

Also, I have an apparent issue where I have something set up wrong in
logging. Here is the config:

 logging {

   channel "file_debug" {
      file "/files/auth_debug.txt" ;
      severity dynamic ;
      print-category yes ;
      print-severity yes ;
      print-time yes ;
   } ;

} ;

category default { log_info ; file_debug ; } ;

However, when I set the debug level up (I have gone as high as 9), I
do not see anything logged in the file. The file exists and is owned
by the chroot-ed user and has perms of 600.

What I have done wrong here?

Also, what category and at what debug level would log:
   -- Why client query was refused?
   -- What ACLs were applied to each view and zone?

TIA for all help!!

Jon R. Kibler
Chief Technical Officer
A.S.E.T., Inc.
Charleston, SC  USA
o: 843-849-8214

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