
Rakotomandimby Mihamina mihamina.rakotomandimby at etu.univ-orleans.fr
Fri Mar 14 05:47:28 UTC 2008

I have some domain names registred at gandi and they allow me to use '*' 
as wildcard in the zone file.
Unfortunately, reading the "DNS & Bind" book, I dont find any mention of 
that wildcard. It plays the role of a catchall but for domain/zone names.
I might have read the book too fast,...
Would you please how could I use that feature on my Bind 9?
I pointer to some documentation would be more appreciated than a 
practical solution to my problem.

I want that feature because it will be for a community website whereeach 
member will have a subzone of the community domain, and it's better for 
us to explicitely define the names we dont want the members to take and 
let them play with the left ones.

Thank for any help.

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