simple (i think) problem updating to 9.5.0-P1

Andrew Kagan aklist_bind at
Wed Jul 16 18:42:21 UTC 2008

Hi All: I had bind 9.3.x installed on FreeBSD 6.2 from the ports...I don't 
remember now if it was running chrooted or not. I was in a hurry so I backed 
up named.conf and /var/named to my home directory and downloaded the 
9.5.0-P1 tarball

I did a configure so that it would overwrite the existing port install, and 
then did "make" and "make install" without any errors. I thought I'd have to 
at a minimum restart for everything to take effect, but after installing 
"named -v" showed 9.5.0! I checked etc/namedb/named.conf and it was still my 
original 9.3.x config, so that did not get overwritten, and /var/named/ 
still has all my NS files in it.

However, in the system log, I'm getting the error:

Jul 16 13:05:20 ns1 named[694]: starting BIND 9.5.0-P1 -t /var/named -u bind
Jul 16 13:05:20 ns1 named[694]: /etc/namedb/named.conf:5: change directory 
to '/var/named' failed: file not found
Jul 16 13:05:20 ns1 named[694]: /etc/namedb/named.conf:5: parsing failed
Jul 16 13:05:20 ns1 named[694]: loading configuration: file not found
Jul 16 13:05:20 ns1 named[694]: exiting (due to fatal error)

Is the problem that the new install is running chrooted, and it's looking 
for a directory path that the bind user can't see? The directory /var/named/ 
does exist and all the files are there. 

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