Upgrade from 9.3.1 to 9.3.5p1 issues

G.W. Haywood bind at jubileegroup.co.uk
Wed Jul 16 13:57:47 UTC 2008

Hi there,

On Wed, 16 Jul 2008, Chris Henderson wrote:

> I'm trying to upgrade 9.3.1 -> 9.3.5p1 on Solaris 9. I'm planning to
> use  "./configure --prefix /usr/local/domain && make && make install"

One point I'd add to the response(s) you've already seen:

It's very common for people who write the installation instructions
to completely overlook the fact that the guy reading them might not
have compiled anything from source before.  In particular, the old

"./configure --prefix /usr/local/domain && make && make install"

is something of a curved ball for a newcomer.  The best thing to do on
a Unix-like system is for a non-privileged user (that is, _not_ root)
to create a directory somewhere beneath his home directory which will
be used for building from source, and to use it only for that purpose.
As a rule each software package will have its own separate directory
within this directory.  The non-privileged user then

1.  Extracts the source into this directory
2.  Changes his working directory to the newly-extracted directory
3.  Reads the documentation he finds in there
4.  Usually (but by no means always - see 3 above) gives the commands
4a. ./configure --with-some-switches-as-per-the-documentation
4b. make
4c. make test (if the documentation says there is a test suite to run)

At this stage the software is built but not installed.  Then the user
needs to start a root shell for the last step of the _installation_

5. make install

Of course it's not the last step of the whole process, as you may now
have to do final configuration, such as editing named.conf in this case.

Generally the one-liner

"./configure --prefix /usr/local/domain && make && make install"

will only work if invoked by root since an unprivileged user can't
usally do the make install.  I don't like to do it that way anyway
in case something goes horribly wrogn.

> ... while doing this on a Debian test environment I noticed ...

If you'll install on Solaris 9, it seems odd to test on Debian.



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