BIND memory statistics?

Matus UHLAR - fantomas uhlar at
Tue Jul 15 09:48:21 UTC 2008


I am currently running bind 9.5.0-p1 with cache limit turned off. I would
like to turn it on, however It would be better with knowing how is memory
used after some time (e.g. a week).

I know how much of RRs do I have in cache but what are their average TTL's,
were their TTL's when they were received and how often are they used?

This should imho help me to know how effective the caching is, so I could
tune memory usage. As I mentioned, my limit is currently turned off, but
this could lead to excessive memory consumption of named process.

I am also planning to turn on acache, but the problem is similar - I'd like
to have an idea how effective it is...

Can anyone advise me, if/how, is possible to do this?
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar at ;
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