Port Range for avoid-v4-udp-ports OR port for resolv.conf nameserver

JINMEI Tatuya / 神明達哉 Jinmei_Tatuya at isc.org
Sun Jul 13 17:35:49 UTC 2008

At Sun, 13 Jul 2008 11:33:28 -0500,
"Jim Hermann - UUN Hostmaster" <hostmaster at uuism.net> wrote:

> My upstream DNS does not accept queries on all UDP ports, so I end up with
> lots of udp unreachable messages.  The upstream DNS is totally unreachable
> outside the LAN, so it does not need to use other UDP ports.

I don't understand what this means.  What's 'my upstream DNS'?  Are
you using a forwarder, which is the upstream DNS?  Please provide more
specific network configuration in this situation.

> Is there are way to specify a port range in the "avoid-v4-udp-ports { port;
> ... };" statement?  I tried "avoid-v4-udp-ports { 51000-53000; );" and it
> was not accepted.

New beta versions support an explicit notation to specify a range:

  avoid-v4-udp-ports { range 51000 53000; };

If you cannot use a beta version, you could still specify the same
thing as follows:

  avoid-v4-udp-ports { 51000; 51001; 51002; ...; 52999; 53000; };

but this would be very inefficient (due to differences of the
underlying implementation between P1s and beta), and you'd probably
not want to do that.

JINMEI, Tatuya
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.

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