Wildcard syntax

Mark Andrews Mark_Andrews at isc.org
Thu Feb 21 22:37:14 UTC 2008

> We are using BIND 9.3.0 and have been sent a zone file for a domain that 
> was formerly hosted on a Windows DNS server. In it there are A records 
> like:
>  	*.dev	IN	A 	1D 	<IP address>
>  	ww*	IN	A	1D	<IP address>
> The first A record works fine but named refuses to reload if the second 
> entry with the ww* is in it. What is the correct syntax for a ww* 
> wildcard. or is this just not possible? There are a few hosts that would 
> fit the ww* wildcard (ww2, etc) which we could put in as explicit A 
> records instead.
> Andy

	1. ww* is not a wildcard entry.
	2. ww* is not a legal hostname, so you triggered the
	   check-names code.

	Do you really have a machine named "ww*.<zone>"?

	If not remove the record.  If you do I would suggest that
	you rename it and remove the record.  If you *really* need
	to keep the record you can use the check-names directive
	to turn off the check.

Mark Andrews, ISC
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews at isc.org

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